German Amateur-Radio-Club - Local Club Düsseldorf, R01

Welcome to our website! We are a subdivision of Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club e.V. (DARC), which is over 33,000 members strong. As part of in the district North Rhine (R), our club number ("DOK") is R01. Currently, we have good 80 members and guest members.

The club runs the following stations: The club station DL0DX, the 70 cm voice repeater DB0SJ and the 70 cm multimode repeater DB0DUX including a Hamnet user entry at 5 GHz.

The next dates

Club meeting

The club meeting is on every third Thursday of the month. Guests are welcome here.

The next local club's meeting is on November 21, 2024 at 8:00 pm.

The latest events

Antenna dismantling for a deceased member

At the beginning of 2024, a long-standing member of our local club passed away unexpectedly. The family asked us for help to dismantle the antenna system on the deceased's house.

The antenna system during an inspection one week before dismantling. (Photo: Thomas, DL8YJ)

On the day of dismantling, the weather, which had been forecast as unsettled, helped and it remained pleasant and dry. While Michael (DL5JS) and Andreas (DC4AB) secured themselves on the roof to dismantle the heavy antennas into their individual parts, Anton (DE5RAK) and Hendrik (DM5MD) took delivery of the dismantled parts in the garden.

On the roof, Hendrik (DM5MD), Anton (DE5RAK), Andreas (DC4AB) and Michael (DL5JS)
dismantle the antennas from the mast. (Photo: Thomas, DL8YJ)

Meanwhile, Klaus (DL5RFK) and Thomas (DL8YJ) took care of pulling back the antenna cables laid along the house and dismantling the radio station.

After only six and a half hours, the mast on the roof was freed from its antennas and the antenna parts were stowed away in our cars for disposal.



Andreas Buchwald, DC4AB
Friedrichstraße 4 · 40699 Erkrath
Telephone: +49-211-598 27 41

Vice chairman

Hendrik Hano, DM5MD

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