Contest prosperities
The members of the local club periodically participate contests using the club call DL0DX. Here is a list of some of the team results.
King of Spain Contest 2016 SSB

Runner-up of the German stations in the multi operator / multi transmitter / DX class, place 7 world wide. (result list)
Organizer: Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles
Operators: Oliver (DK7TX), Fabian (DL1KID), Dieter (DL2GK), Peter (DE3POL), Bernd, Detlef, Gerrit, Marc (DN3DA)
OK DX-Contest 2015 RTTY

Winner of the multi operator section in Germany. Third place world wide.
Organizer: Český radioklub
Operators: Dieter (DL2GK), Holger (DL5KUT), Udo (DL5UI), Daniel (DM3DA), Bernd (DN3DA)

6th place of the multi operator section in Europe.
Organizer: Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club
Operators: Fabian (DL1KID), Dieter (DL2GK), Kai (DL3EAZ), Holger (DL5KUT), Hans-Georg (DL6WA), Daniel (DM3DA)
IARU Region 1 Fieldday 2015 SSB

25th of the section portable, multi operator, low power, non-assisted.
Organizer: Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club
Operators: Andreas (DC4AB), Kai (DL3EAZ), Holger (DL5KUT), Peter (DE3POL), Patrick (DN3DA), Daniel (DM3DA)
IARU Region 1 VHF Contest 2015

Place 60 of the multi operator section.
Organizer: Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club
Operators: Kai (DL3EAZ), Patrick (DN3DA), Daniel (DM3DA)
King of Spain Contest 2015 SSB

Runner-up of the German stations in the multi operator / multi transmitter / DX class, place 6 world wide. (result list)
Organizer: Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles
Operators: Jürgen (DB1WT), Andreas (DC4AB), Peter (DE3POL), Fabian (DL1KID), Dieter (DL2GK), Daniel (DM3DA)

8th place of the multi operator section in Europe.
Organizer: Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club
Operators: Fabian (DL1KID), Dieter (DL2GK), Michael (JL5JS), Holger (DL5KUT), Dieter (DL6EZ)
OK DX-Contest 2013 RTTY

Winner of the German stations in the multi operator class, place 7 world wide.
Organizer: Český radioklub
Operators: Dieter (DL2GK), Kai (DL3EAZ), Holger (DL5KUT), Daniel (DM3DA)
Russian DX Contest 2013

9th place in Germany in the multi operator / two transmitter section.
Organizer: Soyuz Radioljubitelej Rossii
Operators: Holger (DL5KUT), Michael (DL5JS), Dieter (DL6EZ)
ARRL International DX Contest 2013 SSB

Winner of the German stations in the multi operator / single transmitter / high power class, place 57 world wide.
Organizer: American Radio Relay League
Operators: Jürgen (DB1WT), Dieter (DL2GK), Holger (DL5KUT), Daniel (DM3DA)