Photo gallery about the repeater DB0SJ
Here are some pictures arranged about the 70 cm repeater DB0SJ.

The place of DB0SJ at LVA's high-rise building. (Photo: Andreas, DC4AB)
In the period from May 2006 to February 2007 the LVA high-rise building has got a new cladding. For this, a scaffold was build at the roof of the high-rise building to provide access to a crane standing next to the building. The scaffold formed a cage around the antenna of DB0SJ, which caused enormous attenuation. For this time the repeater stood at the club's station DL0DX.

View of the repeater's front. (Photo: Burkhard, DK5JG)
Here the repeater stands in the service room in the upper part of the LVA high-rise building.

View of the repeater's back. (Photo: Burkhard, DK5JG)
Until some years ago a rechargeable battery served as an emergency power supply for the relay. However, the experience shows, that the electrical power supply never broke down up to now, expect for two days a year, on which the electric of the LVA high-rise building is checked. Therefore, the battery is no longer attached.

The service cabinet. (Photo: Burkhard, DK5JG)
In this cabinet, the repeater stands during its normal service.

The repeater and its prior person in charge DK5JG. (Photo: Dieter, DL6EZ)
Burkhard was reponsible for the service of the repeater from 1993 to 2007.

The LVA high-rise building with the antenna system at its roof.
(Photo: Andreas, DC4AB)
The LVA high-rise building stands at the south end of the Königsalle.

The antenna installation at DB0SJ. (Photo: Stefan, DL8FS)
The antenna in front is from DB0SJ, the two others are from the German Red Cross and the police.

View from DB0SJ in September 1999 and in March 2007. (Photo: Burkhard, DK5JG)
View from the antenna to the west over Düsseldorf, at the Schwanenspiegel, the bridge Kniebrücke over the Rhine, the government district with the parliament, the Rheinturm and the power plant Lausward.