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SSB field day 2011

The local club R01 didn't participate in the SSB field day at September 3rd and 4th 2011.

Support of the Federal Network Agency at DB0SJ

Since the receiver of the repeater is temporarily still massively disrupted, we asked the Federal Network Agency for helping us searching the origin of the disturbances. Therefore we climb the location of DB0SJ on August 8th 2011. We were accompanied by two employees of the radio interference suppression service, who had traveled from Mühlheim, bringing professional equipment for analysis and bearing with them. Unfortunately, during the entire stay, no audible or measurable disturbances appeared, even weak stations could operate the repeater without interferences. So we unfortunately had to leave empty-handed again.

Staff members of the Network Agency searching interfering signals at DB0SJ. (Photo: Andreas, DC4AB)

New diplexer for DB0SJ

The new frequency separating filter for DB0SJ has arrived. The diplexer was build by Huber+Suhner, it should replace the old diplexer and hold the strong signals just under the amateur radio range off the receiver. The diplexer was installed on July 7th 2011. After that the interferences was gone. Sadly, one day after we had to find out, that the interferences appear again.

The new diplexer for DB0SJ. (Photo: Andreas, DC4AB)

Dissertation during the local club's meeting

At the local club's meeting on June 16th 2011 OM Dr.-Ing. Rudi Kalocsay (DL3FF) from the local club R06 Krefeld lectures about "Operations of RF cables explained with the help of 3D models". He explained the formation of standing waves on RF cables connected to maladaptive antennas and the resulting consequences for senders. He presented sample calculations and visualized the physics easy to understand with its models built of wire and wood.

Rudi (DL3FF) in his interesting presentation. (Photo: Andreas, DC4AB)

CW field day 2011

During the weekend of June 4th and 5th 2011 the local club R01 successfully participated in the 24 hours CW part of the IARU region 1 field day with the callsign DL0DX. Operators were Ron (DL3BPC), Michael (DL5JS), Dieter (DL6EZ), Rudolf (DL1EHR) and Dieter (DL2GK). In addition Andreas (DC4AB), Mirko (DM1EM), Peter (DL1CPR), Daniel (DM3DA) and Manfred (DH9EO) participated on mounting and dismounting. As field day location the municipal sports ground at the Bergischen Landstraße (Zum Winnenberg) was used. Because of the stong thunder storm at night and out of concern for a lightning strike, the operators interruped operating and spent two hours in the car. Also during the dismantling, it was raining heavily. But thanks to the numerous helpers the dismounting was done within half an hour.

Look at the radio place. (Photo: Daniel, DM3DA)

Measurement on DB0SJ

During the analysis of the receiver while repairing the repeater DB0SJ, no errors are found. Therefore, on April 13th 2011 the friendly radio amateur Jürgen (DK9TF) helped searching interferences from outside, looking directly at the site of the relay, the LVA-tower, using a spectrum analyzer. Together with Dieter (DL6EZ), two strong signals could be found just below the amateur radio band, which seem to interfere with the receiver. Now a filter was ordered to keep these signals away.

Jürgen (DK9TF) searching interfering signals at the antenna of DB0SJ. (Photo: Andreas, DC4AB)

Repeater DB0SJ in repair

As the receiver of the Düsseldorf amateur radio repeater DB0SJ was disturbed the last few weeks, it was dismantled on 31st March 2011 and handed over to an expert for repair. As a replacement for the time of repair a loan from a friendly local club could be installed. The replacement repeater must be opened with a short 1750 Hz tone. The antenna of the repeater has also tried to replace, which, due to bad weather (strong wind and rain) had to be aborted. The renovations involved were Dieter (DL6EZ), Michael (DL5JS) and Andreas (DC4AB). Kind support was provided by the building technology of the LVA tall building.

Michael (DL5JS) at the mast on which the antenna of DB0SJ is mounted.
(Photo: Andreas, DC4AB)

Annual general meeting 2011

The annual general meeting of the R01 was on January 20th 2011. The protocol was reported by Holger (DL5KUT). This year, the election of the board of management was on the agenda, the election officer was Manfred (DH9EO). Concordantly re-elected were Dieter (DL6EZ) as chairperson and Andreas (DC4AB) as deputy chairman of the local club. Cashier still is Michael (DL5JS), the QSL placement is beeing continued by Vladimir (DL7PGA).

Burkhard (DK5JG) died

Burkhard John (DK5JG) has died at the age of 60 years in Oktober 2010. This message shocked us all in the OV Düsseldorf (R01). Burkhard joined the OV Dusseldorf in DARC after passing his ham radio license in 1970. He always was involved in all activities. Thus the field days in the early 70's had not been so popular without his participation. Burkhard was deputy chairman of the local club for over 20 years. For him the club station DL0DX was an essential part of his work for the amateur radio. He was responsible for the 70-cm-relay DB0SJ for many years. The ability to use micro-controller for control amateur radio related projects was very valuable for many of Burkhard's friends. Its technical qualities have been overlooked by his human. He was a reliable partner and reliable friend, we will miss him because of his modest, balancing and friendly nature for very, very long time.

SSB field day 2010

During the weekend of September 4th and 5th 2010 the local club R01 participated in the 24 hours SSB part of the IARU region 1 field day with its club station callsign DL0DX/p. Operators were Rudolf (DL1EHR), Michael (DL5JS), Dieter (DL6EZ) and Holger (DL5KUT). On mounting and dismounting in addition Peter (DO2PIT) and Manfred (DH9EO) took part.